Monday, December 2, 2013

How to Make Beef Jerky

Have you been wondering how to make beef jerky? If you love to cook and you love jerky, then you have every reason to want to learn how to make beef jerky! There is no reason why you should spend all your money at the store on different types of jerky when you can make your own at home!One of the best things about learning how to make beef jerky is that you can make your jerky taste exactly how you want it to taste. It also makes great gifts.Here are some tips on how to make beef jerky:� Make sure that the meat is the same thickness throughout. If you have a mechanical slicer, use it. If you are like the most of us, though, you do not. In this case, buy your meat from a good butcher and have him or her slice it for you! Of course, if making beef jerky is something that you really get into, you may want to consider buying a mechanical slicer sometime in the future.� If you are slicing at home, place the top round in the freezer about one hour before slicing. This is to make the slicing easier.� When slicing, cut across the grain -- some say that going against the grain will leave you with jerky that is easier to chew once dried. Of course, you can also try slicing with the grain.� The standard thickness for the meat is a quarter of an inch thick.� Yes, you can add Worcestershire sauce or soy sauce to your beef jerky for flavor, but why add more moisture when the point the process of making jerky involves removing all moisture? Nonethless, a bit of Worcestershire sauce adds an excellent flavor.� Instead, use a rub. There are many great recipes online and in cookbooks, but you can also make up your own!� Start out by keeping your seasoning simple. Use salt, fresh ground pepper, garlic powder, and maybe some red pepper. If you do not have a smokehouse and plan on using your oven to cook your beef jerky, consider adding a dry smoke flavor seasoning, too.� When first learning how to make beef jerky, and even once you have become a pro, it is a good idea to use some sodium nitrite, as well. Sodium nitrite also goes by the names Speed Cure, InstaCure, or Quick Cure. This is something that you will use very sparingly, about one oz. Per 25 pounds of meat. The reason that you want to use sodium nitrite is for food safety.� After you add your seasonings, refrigerate your meat for around 15 to 20 hours.� If you are just barely learning how to make beef jerky, you most likely do not have a smokehouse to smoke the jerky in. Therefore, to cook the jerky, you can use your oven. Set the temperature of your oven around 160 degrees and cook the jerky for around 6 hours. Be sure to leave the oven door slightly ajar!� You can tell when your jerky if it cracks, but does not break, when bent.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on beef jerky and great meats, please visit Big Sky Filet Mignon [http://www.bigskyf

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Special Travel Bags

Travel bags have been around ever since the airplane was invented and travel became possible over long distances. However, some travel bags tend to be special in their own way and this is the article where we are going to talk precisely about some of these special bags. Sports have evolved in the last few years, and so has travel. This is precisely why some bags have become special in their own means and are designed for specific tasks.For example for the business ladies which travel a lot and want to combine fashion with practicality, there is the option of the China leisure bags. They are colour full and they have a lot of space inside, so that you may take all your needed makeup and accessories to the destination. I am not saying that you will take these leisure bags straight to the business meeting, however you have to get them there somehow, and China will give you the best answer to do so in style.Another great example for specialised practicality is offered by surf travel bags. These travel bags are made only for this type of sport only and they have a special shape, in order to match the shape of the surf boards they will carry. Made from special materials which are water proof and able to withstand direct sunlight for extended periods of time, surf travel bags are accessible price and can truly make the difference as far as transport goes, when surf boards are concerned. If you are looking for the real deal when it comes to the surf travel bag, go with O'Neil. Probably one of the best in the world.One of the last examples I could offer are the golf bags. These bags are made specially to be seen on the golf course and they are designed also to facilitate durability and efficiency. They are probably one of the most expensive types of bags which can be found on the markets today, however they are worth the price. Designed to have enough space to carry all you golf clubs and extra equipment, these golf travel bags are truly worth the price tag. Also they are very durable, and can probably last you a few good years also. Produced only by tip brands, they bring together style and quality and bring a light image improvement to all golf players, as far as style is concerned.These are the main types of special bags and you now know why they are special.

Adrian is the editor of this article. He also writes for []. This is a website where you can find out more about wholesale travel bags [

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